
Time For a Tune-Up

This personal frustration with my extra weight has nearly reached a boiling point. Lucky for me, the Raytheon Fitness Center is offering a free class once a week on healthy lifestyles and eating. The good thing is that they let you use the facilities to workout for free during the 13 week class. Hopefully this will be the swift kick in the ass to get me back in the gym and back in shape.

There is one thing I have noticed about the way we think as a whole and it's really starting to irk me. When I talk about being fed up with my weight, the first thing people say is "You're not fat, you look just fine." Now I don't know if it is because we are so used to overweight people that we are blind to it, or if we are just to polite in our passive-aggressive consumerism that we just give everyone lip service to make them feel good about themselves so we can feel good about ourselves. Either way, I'm tired of it. So if you hear me talking about weight and lazy people, make sure you remind me that I'm one of them too and to get my ass moving. I'd rather have honest and healthy over fat and polite any day.

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