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From Baby Wenke |
First Baby Pics
My Summer of Shifting Priorities
The summer started with a let down when I found out that I had failed my "Art" class in college. It turns out that you really have to do homework to get a passing grade in college, regardless of how relevant and informative (or worthless and trivial in this case) the class may be to my business degree. Yes, it was all my fault. No, I won't apologize for calling it a worthless class. Lucky for me I was able to find an online class over the summer session that filled my art requirement and was quick and mostly painless. This time I did my homework like a good school boy and got a good grade. For now I, am taking this semester off, but more on that later.
The next big thing was with work. Our outsourcing group was looking for a person to manage one of our vendors on a one-on-one basis for a year or two. The kicker was that this vendor is a little bit outside of town... As in southern Brazil part of out of town. I jumped at the offer when they first mentioned it, back in mid May and proceeded to go through interviews with all the different managers attached to this program. Everyone kept telling me that they were going to move on this fast so I was a bit frustrated when I had to go through five interviews at about 2 week intervals. Fast in business terms is evidently around two months, but I did get to chat with the vice president of supply chain. So after my extended meet and greet with the entire company, they offered me the position and I naturally accepted. The very next day, the company states they are taking a new strategy with this vendor and they no longer need me to go down there. It's always nice to see multi-billion dollar company focused and synchronized on a goal, but in the end it worked out for the best. Once the word got out that I wasn't headed to paradise I got an offer for a team lead spot back in production (where I enjoy working the most) and a temporary assignment in our experimental shop (where I can show off my skill to everyone).
And so we come to my biggest priority and most recent reason to know how to spell serendipity. Around the same time as the Brazil deal was kicking off, I met a sweet little girl named Chandra. We began to spend a lot of time together which turned into a lot more time together. A couple of months ago we found out that she was pregnant and so now I'm going to be a father. Lucky for me she's been through this before because the whole idea is still a bit scary for me. It's very exciting, but at the same time sobering. All of my priorities are now shifting to my responsibilities as a father. I'm nervous of my abilities but confident that things will work out for the best. I'm scared of the huge responsibility of raising a child but I'm ecstatic of all the fun and happiness this child will bring to our lives. Since you've made it this far I'll assume that you really are interested in my dealings and hope that you will also support and share in our happiness.
Things will be changing quickly. I hope to be moving into a new house by the end of the year, finishing the last 2 classes for my associates degree before the spring semester, and the baby is due February 18th. As always, this adventure called life is getting more and more interesting as we go along the path. Thanks for sharing the road with me.
With respect and love.
When UPS Attacks
So I did the safe thing and refused delivery. Besides being hi-tech electronics, and obviously dropped something fierce, there was a very good chance that some of the pieces could have fallen out or been stolen. Refusing delivery makes UPS and Crutchfield fight it out, while Crutchfield just sends me a new box and I (hopefully) have no worries while having to wait a bit longer.
Now the thought on my mind is this: The UPS guy knew that this box was beat the fuck up. He also know what my options were in this situation. So why did he ask me to sign for it before he brought it up to the porch?
Was the guy just a dick and wanted to stick me with a busted stereo, maybe yell "Gotcha!" as he dropped it off and run away. Is there some kind of corporate policy out to screw over the customer by sticking people with broken things so they have to go through all the red tape on the off chance that most will just give up and accept the bad fortune? Who knows, maybe the guy just had a long day and didn't want to have to lug a 90 pound box from truck to door then back again. Whatever the situation, none were my responsibility and I was not about to make it mine. Moral of the story? Watch your six people. There are a lot of ways for retailers, shippers, middlemen and others to take advantage of your dollar if you let them. Don't be no sucka baby.
2 Weeks and Some Change.
So exercise, no nicotine and no caffeine. I am going to be a complete and total asshole. You have been warned.
I will use these reasons as an excuse for my insomnia as well, so you can't get mad when I fall asleep while you are talking. I really was paying attention to whatever it was you just said. The up side of all of this frustration is that it keeps my hands busy. No, not like that. Ass. Saturday I did my rain dance by waxing the hell out of my car, Sadie. She looked so good I took some new pics of her. You can check them out in my photo albums. I love the way a girl looks after a good wax job. Yes, like that. I'm the ass ;)
You know... Everyone likes a Brazilian...
2007 Easter Pub Crawl - The Ultimate Sacrifice
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Ultimate Sacrifice Pub Crawl |
Day 3
The good side...
These neurochemicals are produced in our own brains. The perceptions and emotions we focus on are reinforced by more of these same chemicals. Focus your perceptions on peace and contentment, you will have a damn good chance of feeling peaceful and content. That's what eastern medicine has used meditation for for thousands of years. I will use my mind to rid myself of this discomfort that is caused by my mind... Yeah, there is no spoon.
Shitty thing is, I have always used cigarettes to calm myself so I can meditate. Fuckers.
I Quit
I never needed to smoke, I just like to smoke. But it does have a negative effect on me. And the positives of smoking don't seem to offset the negatives nearly as much as they used too. One of my favorite things is that I would get a few minutes to get up from the desk and go somewhere else for a little break. But there are other things I can do to get those little breaks, maybe I'll go run up and down the stairs or maybe walk around the building if its nice out. We shall see... I'm going to miss my little distraction. So please be a little understanding if I'm more inclined to bite now. I never mean for it to be personal ;)
This Is Why I'm King of the Geeks
The 10 Real Reasons Why Geeks Make Better Lovers
Editor's note: Some links in this story lead to adult material and are not suitable for viewing at work. All links of this nature will be noted with "NSFW" after them.
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I've read recently that geeks make better lovers because they are so unaccustomed to romance that they will do anything for their mates. Also because geeks don't have the social skills to cheat (wanna bet?).
Yeah, ha ha, let's chuckle at the stereotypes. Might as well add that geeks won't waste valuable relationship time watching football. Or that geeks are clueless and fashion-impaired and have the social skills of a bowl of fruit.
But you know what? Humorous Top-10 lists aside, geeks really do make the best lovers, for reasons that have nothing to do with adolescent ostracism or puppy-like devotion.
It's all about sex-tech. (Tell us what you think below.)
Geeks build it so you will come
Second Life's SexGen animation system, Red Light Center's (NSFW) beautiful sex animations and open-source teledildonics did not simply coalesce out of the mists during a marketing department meeting.
These projects require strong technical know-how along with an open-minded approach to sexual variation. After all, you can't build sex-tech that serves only your own preferences if you expect others to use it. Especially if you want them to buy it.
That geeks have the passion to commit their technical skills to expanding sexual options for everyone is evidence enough of their enthusiasm and dedication as lovers.
Geeks get personal with tech
All engineers may be geeks, but not all geeks are engineers. Doesn't matter. You don't need to know how to build a platform in order to do a half-gainer in full pike with a twist into the river of love.
A geek is more likely to figure out how to customize toys and to design arousing environments for your avatars to play in than a non-geek. And that experience translates into a greater sensitivity to atmosphere and mood during sex -- beyond lighting a candle.
Don't be surprised if your geek lover puts more thought into arranging the boudoir than you do, or if common household items ("pervertibles") soon take on a new dimension. More than one geek has told me that Home Depot is their favorite adult store.
Geeks dig consensual role playing
Geek lovers combine a well-developed and oft-exercised erotic imagination with their physical technique. It isn't a big leap from "I'm a level-13 thief, evil-aligned" to "I'm the prison warden and you're the new detainee." Scientists and therapists alike claim that the brain is the most critical sexual organ; a geek's familiarity with fantasy arouses your mind even as the handcuffs -- or the bag of loot -- bring your body to attention.
Geeks interact
A technophobe mostly talks to you in person, but a geek is happy to be with you by texting your phone, flirting with you in a chat room, Skyping you, Twittering just in case you're on your vibrating couch (NSFW), sending funny cell-phone snapshots to your e-mail, playing online games, commenting on your blog, Digging articles that interest you, seducing you by instant message….
Geeks get things done
Geeks know all the shortcuts. They research your interests, send you surprise gifts, plan your perfect vacation, get the bills and grocery shopping out of the way, write to their mothers, and tease you mercilessly, all while pretending to work. And when you ask them to set up your home Wi-Fi or install a home theater, it's done quickly, expertly and without complaint.
In other words, geeks know how to get everything else out of the way so there's more time for lovemaking.
Geeks are hot …
… and wear the coolest glasses.
Geeks don't shock easily
Geeks have seen all the porn you can imagine and then some, priming them to be open to your sexual peccadilloes. They are not only less likely to be shocked by your exotic requests -- they might not even realize that other people think your turn-ons are exotic.
Conversely, your geek lover might be relieved that your wildest fantasy involves only two other people, five utensils and a trapeze.
Geeks know kinky people
Geeks haven't just seen a variety of positions, kinks and fetishes in blue movies. They know (or are) people who enjoy those things, so they don't dismiss entire categories of sexual interests as the sole province of a bunch of weirdos in San Francisco.
It's hard to sustain prejudice and bias against an abstract group when you develop relationships with individuals and discover they're just like you. It doesn't matter if they dress up like ponies, or refuse to conform to a societal idea of gender norms, or eat pancakes for dinner. Geek lovers know better than to try to impose their sexual preferences or standards on others -- including your friends -- and are more likely to love and let love.
Geeks understand multi-dimensional relationships
Geeks connect with their online buddies in several guises, often getting to know the person behind the avatar as friendships deepen and move from adult communities to personal IM.
A geek can flow seamlessly between conversation about a friend's partner and kids in one window and an elaborate group sex scene in another, without feeling any discontinuity between the personas. Even if the friend is a 43-year-old father of two in IM, and a 22-year-old dominatrix in the group.
With all that going on, a geek has no problem accepting that sometimes you want mocha ripple cherry fudge chunk swirl with almonds and a waffle and sometimes you want vanilla lite.
Geeks aren't threatened by new tech or "the future of sex"
Geeks have read the science fiction. They know the dire predictions of a world in which the sticky press of flesh is replaced by neural nets and sex robots that also do housework (or is that house robots that also do sex work?).
Geeks have imagined more sexual dystopias than the average person and are the first to see the technological developments that could lead us down dark paths. Which only makes sense, considering who develops those technologies in the first place.
At the same time, geeks know better than anyone that something always goes wrong when you lean on machines for your social fulfillment. A geek doesn't mind if you bring home the iiErotoTrix 5000 v3 -- as long as you share it.
Literacy and the printing press did not replace sex; neither did photography, automobiles, video, online porn or 3-D escort services. Geek lovers spend enough time with technology to appreciate the unique wondrousness of human touch.
See you next Friday, Regina Lynn
How to Not Get Elected. Part Whatever...
As most have seen, I failed to win the primary so my first attempt at politics has come to a close. Thanks to everyone for all the help and support that you provided during this fun and exciting time. Unfortunately, the voter turnout was dismal and that was the worst thing for my campaign. From the preliminary numbers it only looks like about 15% of the district voted and the incumbent won with only 2800 votes. It was a lot of work, a lot of fun, and one of the best learning experiences I have had in quite some time. A few of the most important things I learned are:
2. My ideas alone are not enough to change the world
3. The established controlling powers favor the privileged
4. People as a whole are more concerned about themselves than their community
and most importantly... 5. Getting out in the community and talking to everyone, from all different backgrounds, has been one of the most exciting and fun things I have ever done.
It's Almost Time To Vote
Thanks everyone for all the positive support that you have given me during all this hard work. See you at the polls tomorrow!
Campaign Website Updated
Effective Management
I can communicate with people from all backgrounds and develop a consensus that everyone can agree on. The city council needs to have a single goal that everyone is working together to achieve. My management experience in the military and in the aircraft industry has taught me to take everyone's input and develop a plan that everyone can agree on. My greatest skill that I have developed in Supply Chain Management is to learn how to talk a common language with every organization. I want to bring that skill to the city council to focus everyone on making Wichita the best city it can be.
Responsible and Focused Government
I am an advocate of civic and personal responsibility. I believe the city council needs to be accountable and transparent to the citizens through a more effective use of our tax dollars and by ensuring projects are completed on time and on budget. The city has given tax abatements to companies that have not provided a return on the tax dollars invested. Instead, we should be supporting economic development that is in line with our future goals such as revitalizing real estate in the heart of the city, businesses that offer different services than the ones we have available, and the attractions that will help retain the young talent in the city.
Developing Wichita
I support both residential and business development to draw people back to the center of Wichita and support a higher level of cooperation and communication between city, county and Wichita education leaders to better the community as a whole. Wichita is losing residents to the surrounding areas at a growing rate. The reasons given most often is because of the public school system and the availability of housing in the middle price range. This migration to the suburbs is reducing our tax revenue which continues to reduce our ability to develop. The city needs to support revitalization in the core of the city, not continuing the urbran sprawl that is bleeding off our most valuable resource... people.
Economic Diversity
I feel that the key to a strong economic future is attracting more diverse businesses to Wichita while continuing to support the strong manufacturing industry. I feel this can be done by providing a foundation for other industries in the region and supporting better education to develop the future generations into a more diverse and productive workforce. We need to attract firms that specialize in back office work, such as payroll, human resources, financing companies that are already outsourcing and keep that work here in Wichita. We also need to focus on bringing more of the technology sector to Wichita that will compliment our manufacturing industry. Bringing customer support centers, internet data centers, telemarketing, warehousing and distribution centers to Wichita can help us diversify the workforce and provide more and different opportunities to the young talent in Wichita.
On The Campaign Trail
It is this mindset that I am trying to change. That is one of the main reasons why I am running for City Council. That statement discounts every person in this city that plans on remaining in the workforce for more than 10 years. I will not let the tired and complacent take over this town and let it coast away into retirement. Wichita is a vibrant and creative place; we are not ready to sit down in an easy chair and accept whatever the future may throw at us. There is an amazing amount of change looming over the horizon and we will miss the opportunity in those changes if we are sedentary. Please pay attention to those that want to take leadership and then sit down in the middle of the road. On Feb. 27th make sure you vote for someone that is looking toward the future, and not sleeping on the past.
As always, keep spreading the word and show your support by getting out to vote for me on Feb. 27th! Thanks for the support!

New Website Is Up!
Thanks everyone!
How To Get Elected. Part 1
After months of discussions with my friends and family, I have decided that I would like to have my own voice in my local government. So after work, I ran down to the Wichita City Hall and went to the city clerk on the 13th floor. I filled out a few forms, wrote 2 checks, one for $10 and one for $35 and I was on the primary ballot. That's it. It took me about 15 minutes (including the snap shot the clerk took for me) and $45 to become a candidate. I walked out of city hall very proud, this is my first time running for an elected office. Even though it was 5pm, my day was just beginning. I ran home, formulating plans as I drove, and grabbed a quick bite of dinner and my school books. Monday night is Micro-Economics and it was the first day of class. The professor makes us mingle for an exercise and I use the opportunity to introduce myself as a candidate for the first time. There is an excitement in those words, every time I say them. It motivates me even more to be successful. After class, I took 5 minutes to ask the professor a few questions about her thoughts of the Wichita economy, what she says validates my months of ramblings. When I get home, I stay up til 1am studying the incumbent's record for the last 4 years and to find any information I can. The hard work is just starting.
Happy Birthday Ethan!
Jason Wenke Announces Bid for City Council District 2 Seat
Wichita KS January 24 2007
Jason Wenke is now a candidate for Wichita City Council for District 2 after filing with the city clerk on Monday. Jason was born and raised in Wichita until age 14 when his family moved to Halstead Kansas where he graduated high school in 1993. After high school, he worked and attended college until joining the US Navy as an aircraft mechanic at Tinker AFB in Oklahoma City. After 3 years he was promoted to an E5 and ran the high-tempo Airframes shop during his last year of service. Jason returned to Wichita in 2000 after he was honorably discharged and was hired on at Raytheon Aircraft as a line assembler. He has continued successful employment in a number of jobs from the shop floor, to production control and is now a part of Supply Chain Management. He is a member of APICS Wichita, a production and inventory control certification association. Jason is currently working toward his degree in Business Management at WSU. He is also an active member of the Young Professionals of Wichita as part of the Leadership Link action team.
Jason is an advocate of civic and personal responsibility. He believes the city council needs to be accountable and transparent to the citizens through a more effective use of the tax dollars and by ensuring projects are completed on time and on budget.
Jason supports both residential and business development to draw people back to the center of Wichita and supports a higher level of cooperation and communication between city, county and Wichita education leaders to better the community as a whole.
Jason feels that the key to a strong economic future is attracting more diverse businesses to Wichita while continuing to support the strong manufacturing industry. He feels this can be done by providing a foundation for other industries in the region and supporting better education to develop the future generations into a more diverse and productive workforce.
As part of the city council, Jason would like to develop economically viable attractions. He feels this can be done by working to make the current attractions self-sufficient and also developing innovative entertainment destinations that the community will support.