
On The Campaign Trail

Today I attended an open forum for the Waste and Recycling Coalition with most of the other candidates that are running for the City Council positions. Counting me, there were 4 of the 6 candidates for the District 2 seat. The two that were missing was the incumbent, Sue Schlapp, and a strange fellow that does not seem to agree with most of the world, let alone the city. It was an interesting meeting and was a great way to see the views of the other candidates. One thing that really got me was something one of the candidates for District 5 said. He stated that one of his goals was to turn Wichita into a premier retirement community. Now I have talked about this jokingly before. However this guy was sincere and from his tone, it sounded like the best thing since sliced bread.

It is this mindset that I am trying to change. That is one of the main reasons why I am running for City Council. That statement discounts every person in this city that plans on remaining in the workforce for more than 10 years. I will not let the tired and complacent take over this town and let it coast away into retirement. Wichita is a vibrant and creative place; we are not ready to sit down in an easy chair and accept whatever the future may throw at us. There is an amazing amount of change looming over the horizon and we will miss the opportunity in those changes if we are sedentary. Please pay attention to those that want to take leadership and then sit down in the middle of the road. On Feb. 27th make sure you vote for someone that is looking toward the future, and not sleeping on the past.

As always, keep spreading the word and show your support by getting out to vote for me on Feb. 27th! Thanks for the support!
Vote Jason <span class=Wenke for Wichita City Council">

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