Happy Holidays
Another Christmas has come and gone. All in all, this has been a peaceful holidays which is always a nice change. I spent Christmas Eve at my parents for the 29th year, which isn't too bad of a tradition. I also spent Christmas night at the bar with friends, which is getting to be an even better tradition.
I am now in the middle of my week off work for the holidays, and I am trying to see how much sleep I can actually get in a day. Maybe it will be able to break this insomnia. If nothing else, it is a truly relaxing pastime :)
The new year is fast approaching and I am looking forward to spending it with friends. A whole clan of us are converging on KC for an evening of debauchery and drinks. It will be fun to meet up with friends that I haven't seen in years.
Well, I'm out for now. I have some video games that are in dire need of attention, and a pic for Eric that needs to get shared :)
I am now in the middle of my week off work for the holidays, and I am trying to see how much sleep I can actually get in a day. Maybe it will be able to break this insomnia. If nothing else, it is a truly relaxing pastime :)
The new year is fast approaching and I am looking forward to spending it with friends. A whole clan of us are converging on KC for an evening of debauchery and drinks. It will be fun to meet up with friends that I haven't seen in years.
Well, I'm out for now. I have some video games that are in dire need of attention, and a pic for Eric that needs to get shared :)
Catchin' Up
Damn! It has been hectic as hell around here, so let's see if we can get everything back up to speed.
- It's almost Christmas and I only have to get 1 more present. I don't want to hear it, there's still 4 days left for me to be pissed at stupid people with credit cards. Now if someone would just come wrap them for me.
- Work is a bitch. For some reason, airplane consumers only like to buy airplanes at the end of the year. Both my bosses are taking vacation this last week and leaving me there so I guess that says something good.
- The divorce is now final. It's a tad bittersweet, but for what it's worth, I'm good with it. All I need is a bit of paperwork from her and everything is mine. For some reason, I don't think she realizes that all she got was her freedom and whatever she took with her when she left. Maybe that will teach her to take a trip to Cali when the divorce is defaulting to a final decree. Anyways, it's over, and I can now move on to better and nicer women
I mean things... yeah, things.
Well, that's the high points for now. Things should be getting close to normal again so it should be interesting around here for a change. The poetry is starting to flow again now that there is a lot less pressure in my life (Imagine that! Guess who's going to be missing out on that?) and I'll have that up here for all to enjoy. So happy holidays to everyone, and talk to you soon.
Oh yeah... I got a surprise for you E. And it's gonna be all over >:-)
Just In Time For Christmas... Vampie Slaying
This one caught me from out of the blue. It seems the third movie in the Blade series is about to open. The first time I saw the trailer was on Thanksgiving day, and my cousin hadn't heard anything about it either. Blade has always had a good story, and the movies have conveyed that pretty well. If you really want to enjoy it, I'd suggest you read the comic.
Sorry about the lack of updates... real life kinda sucks right now.
Sorry about the lack of updates... real life kinda sucks right now.
Target is Dealing Now

Damn, you know our economy is in bad shape when retailers are stooping to this... At least it's free shipping if you add a lighter and papers. Hell, since they won't show a picture, it's probably not worth it anyway :)
Beware of My Minions
I finally got around to playing a new game this last weekend. This one is called Evil Genius and it's pretty damn funny. The basic concept is that you build up your underground lair on a deserted isalnd, much like Dungeon Keeper. As you do this, you gain minions that you then send out to the rest of the world to steal (your primary means of income) and to commit acts of infamy. You also get to kidnap hostages and then torture them to learn their skills. It was extremely funny to watch one of the crime lords get tortured in the industrial mixer in the mess hall >:) he was tough too.
I played it for about 12 hours over the whole weekend and I would say that I am about a third of the way through it so far. Evil Planet has a lot of good resources for those of us that don't get manuals with our games ;-)
I played it for about 12 hours over the whole weekend and I would say that I am about a third of the way through it so far. Evil Planet has a lot of good resources for those of us that don't get manuals with our games ;-)
Preparation for Battle
Black Friday is quickly approaching. For those that don't know, this is the day after Thanksgiving that retailers have outrageous deals. Some of the best deals I'm looking forward to is the 27" TV at Best Buy for $90 and a 200GB WD hard drive at OfficeMax for $50. I'll be camping out at Best Buy in the morning so if any one wants to join me, let me know and I'll bring some extra hot cocoa. Here's my itenerary for the morning:
Best Buy - 21st & Woodlawn
OfficeMax - Northrock
Office Depot - Northrock
EB Games - Towne East Mall
Good Luck everyone. Just don't get in my way :)
Best Buy - 21st & Woodlawn
OfficeMax - Northrock
Office Depot - Northrock
EB Games - Towne East Mall
Good Luck everyone. Just don't get in my way :)
A Sad Day in Hip Hop
Ol' Dirty Bastard, aka ODB, aka Dirk McDirt of the Wu-Tang Clan passed away Saturday afternoon from unknow causes. Ghostface Killah and Raekwon of the Clan were seen consoling fans outside the studio where he died. He was 36 years old.
As soon as you heard ODB on a track, you knew it was him. No one could imitate or flow in his crazy jumbled style. This is another tragic example of how destructive crack can be. ODB, I hope you demons have left you forever now.
As soon as you heard ODB on a track, you knew it was him. No one could imitate or flow in his crazy jumbled style. This is another tragic example of how destructive crack can be. ODB, I hope you demons have left you forever now.
The Best Collision Course
This has got to be one of the coolest music compilations I have seen in a while. Linkin Park and Jay-Z got together and did a concert. I caught the preview on MTV2 and it looked pretty damn good. The album/DVD goes on sale Nov. 30th. Hell, I actually might buy it... for a change :)
Late Nights
I have got to figure out a way to get a normal night's sleep. At least I stay busy fixing the computers that are scattered around my house. I have my Home Theater PC up and running now. I can capture any video I can feed to it digitally and then I can have my way with it. DVD's of HBO shows sounds pretty good when they only cost $0.50. This thing also serves up music and pictures off of my server. Now all I need is a kick-ass surround system and digital projector and I'll have a full multimedia theater in my house :-)
I also buttoned up the finishing touches on a computer for Grandma Franny. This thing should be a perfect little computer for her. I'm just tired of fixing these little HP turds. It says something about your quality when you build a holder for the recovery disks into the top of the case.
I also buttoned up the finishing touches on a computer for Grandma Franny. This thing should be a perfect little computer for her. I'm just tired of fixing these little HP turds. It says something about your quality when you build a holder for the recovery disks into the top of the case.
FTP Server UP!
Lucky me! My FTP server is now working again. I don't know if my router was puking or Cox was just blocking my outgoing ports, but everything seems to be working fine now. Just point your FTP client to wenke.dyndns.org:21 and get your download on. If you don't have a login/password yet, shoot me a line and I'll hook you up.
So sweet.
So sweet.
With the Quickness
I went shopping for the first time since the new check posting law has been in effect. Damn it goes fast now. My purchases at Best Buy and QT posted to my checking account by the time I got home. I kinda like it personally. Since I do nearly all my banking online or with a debit card, it keeps my account balance up to date more than ever. Just don't try to float a check any more. Hey, something that forces a bit more financial accountability on the masses.
I like it even more :-)
Oh yeah, there's a teaser for the upcoming Star Wars Episode 3. Pretty cool stuff, and I hear the Wookies have the best lines.
I like it even more :-)
Oh yeah, there's a teaser for the upcoming Star Wars Episode 3. Pretty cool stuff, and I hear the Wookies have the best lines.
Change is Inevitable... Oh Wait...
Needless to say, I am disappointed in the election results. For everyone that voted on their emotions, I'm surprised that they thought the moral values leader is a recovering alcoholic that plays the Christian majority with his "born again" card every chance he gets. For those that voted on the war and terrorism, we've been in Iraq for 18 months, over 1100 US soldiers dead, and what do we have? Our troops are getting attacked by the native people more and more, and there is no plan to fix this mess we dug ourselves into. Bush have given Osama Bin Laden enough recruitment posters to cause more problems than we ever had before.
Bah, at the end of this all, I'm tired of being told I should be scared by someone that is trying to sell me a security blanket. It's twice as bad when that guy paid all the newspapers, TV and radio stations to tell me to be afraid also.
Bah, at the end of this all, I'm tired of being told I should be scared by someone that is trying to sell me a security blanket. It's twice as bad when that guy paid all the newspapers, TV and radio stations to tell me to be afraid also.
Getting Ready to Chuck My Ballot
Tomorrow is voting day and everyone is getting ready to pick their favorite. I watched a neat piece on PBS Frontline tonight. More and more, I feel like the Bush family has been taking advantage of the American people for way too long. While I would disagree that I am a liberal, I am all for accountability that the Bush family does not show any signs of. More and more, I'm just voting against Bush instead of for anyone. Plus I think a faith based government is a load of shit; but that's just personal opinion.
On the local front, I hope everyone is smart enough to see how big of a real estate scam the Downtown Arena is. Otherwise, we are going to be missing a big chunk of Wichita's downtown...
On the local front, I hope everyone is smart enough to see how big of a real estate scam the Downtown Arena is. Otherwise, we are going to be missing a big chunk of Wichita's downtown...
Welcome to my Web Page
Thanks for visiting my site. For those of you that have been here before, you might notice that things are looking a bit different. I figure that since I know it all I might as well post it out for the world to see. Of course, this gives you all the chance to tell me I'm wrong too. Check back when ever you can. I'm going to try to post something everyday, kinda like my personal journal for everyone to see.
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