
Catchin' Up

Damn! It has been hectic as hell around here, so let's see if we can get everything back up to speed.
  • It's almost Christmas and I only have to get 1 more present. I don't want to hear it, there's still 4 days left for me to be pissed at stupid people with credit cards. Now if someone would just come wrap them for me.
  • Work is a bitch. For some reason, airplane consumers only like to buy airplanes at the end of the year. Both my bosses are taking vacation this last week and leaving me there so I guess that says something good.
  • The divorce is now final. It's a tad bittersweet, but for what it's worth, I'm good with it. All I need is a bit of paperwork from her and everything is mine. For some reason, I don't think she realizes that all she got was her freedom and whatever she took with her when she left. Maybe that will teach her to take a trip to Cali when the divorce is defaulting to a final decree. Anyways, it's over, and I can now move on to better and nicer women I mean things... yeah, things.

Well, that's the high points for now. Things should be getting close to normal again so it should be interesting around here for a change. The poetry is starting to flow again now that there is a lot less pressure in my life (Imagine that! Guess who's going to be missing out on that?) and I'll have that up here for all to enjoy. So happy holidays to everyone, and talk to you soon.

Oh yeah... I got a surprise for you E. And it's gonna be all over >:-)

1 comment:

Joe said...

Living well (and happy) is the best revenge!