
Dance Hall Daze

In my ever-growing roundness, I figured that it's finally time to do something about it. Gone are the days of the ex-wife dragging me to the YMCA for hours on end, and as a result, I am steadily pushing 220 pounds. Hell, I don't think I can lift that much. This is where my new "toy" comes in. I call it a toy because it has lots of buttons, flashy lights and loud music that comes from Japan. I picked up DDRMax and a dance pad controller, not a bad deal for $50 plus tax. This game is flippin' crazy. It took me about an hour to get through the training, and I was already sweating at the end of that. I tried a bit of the game and soon found out that white guys really don't have rhythm... and it's not pretty. The workout mode is pretty cool, and it even keeps track of calories burned and your weight history. Now all I have to do is use it. I'll keep you posted on the results.

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